Black Bear

Black Bear Experts

You and your group will now choose which role you will become in your group. There are three roles:


  •  Habitat Expert– Throughout this role, you will research your animal’s habitat. You will need to find out which type of habitat they live in (arctic, ocean, rainforest, etc.). You will need to find out the type of climate, what kinds of plants and vegetation, and other special features that need to be a part of your animal’s habitat.
    1. Your teacher will give you a habitat expert fact recording worksheet. If you need another one, you can print out this Animal Habitat Fact Sheet.
    2. Use the following websites to help you learn and record information about your habitat on your fact sheet. Click on the  blue website address to visit that page. Make sure to collect information only about your animal’s habitat.



  • After you have collected all of your information Click Here to go onto the next steps.